PhD Seminar in Sovereignty Studies 106-2

This was a special one-time graduate seminar based on the research interests of my Ph.D. students.

Part One: Political Theory

Week 1: Hobbes

  • Hobbes, T. 2011 (1651). Leviathan 霍布斯《利維坦》

Week 2: Discussion of Hobbes

  • Springborg, P., ed. 2007. The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes’s Leviathan. (skip 5, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, & 21)

Week 3: Schmitt

  • Schmitt, C. 1985 (1922). Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty 卡爾·施密特《政治神學:主權學說四論》

Week 4: Foucault

  • Foucault, M. 2003. “Society Must Be Defended”: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-1976. 米歇爾‧福柯《必須保衛社會》

Week 5: Agamben

  • Agamben, G. 1998. Homo Sacer 阿岡本 《神聖之人:主權權力與赤裸生命》

Week 6: Discussion of Foucault/Agamben

  • Jennings, R. 2011. “Sovereignty and Political Modernity: A Genealogy of Agamben’s Critique of Sovereignty.” Anthropological Theory. 11(1).
  • Mazower, Mark. “Foucault, Agamben: Theory and the Nazis.” Boundary 2 35, no. 1 (March 20, 2008): 23–34.
  • Rifkin, Mark. “Indigenizing Agamben: Rethinking Sovereignty in Light of the‘ Peculiar’ Status of Native Peoples.” Cultural Critique 73, no. 1 (2009): 88–124.

Part Two: Indigenous Critique

Week 7: Barker

  • Barker, J., ed. 2005. Sovereignty Matters: Locations of Contestation and Possibility in Indigenous Struggles for Self-Determination.

Week 8: Shaw

  • Shaw, K. 2008. Indigeneity and Political Theory: Sovereignty and the Limits of the Political.

Week 9: Coulthard

  • Coulthard, G. S. 2014. Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition.

Part Three: Anthropological Theory

Week 10: Selected Essays

  • Hansen, T. B. & F. Stepputat. “Sovereignty Revisited.” Annual Review of Anthropology 35, no. 1 (2006): 295–315.
  • Kauanui, J. K. “Sovereignty: An Introduction.” Cultural Anthropology 32, no. 3 (August 24, 2017): 323–29.
  • Sturm, C. “Reflections on the Anthropology of Sovereignty and Settler Colonialism: Lessons from Native North America.” Cultural Anthropology 32, no. 3 (August 24, 2017): 340–48.

Week 11: Awake

Week 12: Graeber & Sahlins

  • Graeber, D. & M. Sahlins. 2017. On Kings.

Week 13: State in Society

  • Migdal, Joel S. State in Society: Studying How States and Societies Transform and Constitute One Another. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Week 14: Anthropology of the State

  • Abrams, Philip. “Notes on the Difficulty of Studying the State (1977).” Journal of Historical Sociology 1, no. 1 (March 1, 1988): 58–89.
  • Barker, Joshua. State of Authority: The State in Society in Indonesia. SEAP Publications, 2009. [Selected Essays]

Part Four: Ethnography

Week 15: Cattelino

  • Cattelino, J. 2008. High Stakes: Florida Seminole Gaming and Sovereignty.

Week 16: Simpson

  • Simpson, A. 2014. Mohawk Interruptus: Political Life Across the Borders of Settler States.

Week 17: Rutherford

  • Rutherford, D. 2012. Laughing at Leviathan: Sovereignty and Audience in West Papua.

Week 18: Povinelli

  • Povinelli, E. The Cunning of Recognition: Indigenous Alterities and the Making of Australian Multiculturalism. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002