影像民族誌的製作 Visual Ethnography Production
This course is teaches students ethnographic research methods using a hands-on approach. In addition to making their own short ethnographic films, the course will address many issues which apply as much to written ethnographies as they do to visual ones, including: research ethics, collaborative research methods, interviewing technique, transcription, and the art of participant observation.
This course seeks to move beyond traditional journalistic approaches commonly used in TV documentaries in order to learn techniques better suited for the complex needs of ethnographic research. In particular, students will learn about “observational,” “participatory,” and “reflexive” styles of filmmaking. By the end of the course students should be able to mix and match these different styles according to their own needs.
Although this course will cover those technical aspects of filmmaking which are absolutely essential for new filmmakers to learn, it is not a technical course. Modern day video technology and editing software has become sophisticated and ubiquitous enough that most students no longer need extensive training to use these tools. The technical aspect of the course will focus instead the principles of video editing as these principles are rarely taught in school and remain useful regardless of the specific tools being used.
Students are encouraged to use their own equipment if they have any. There is also professional grade equipment available in the department’s own media lab should students wish to borrow it. No previous experience in video production is required for this class.
Course Outline
9/15/2018 | Course Overview | |||
9/22/2018 | Image ethics | Nichols Ch 1 (中文) | Voices of Orchid Island/蘭嶼觀點 (73) | Final Project (FP): Topic Statement |
9/29/2018 | The Expository Mode | Nichols Ch 2 & 6 (中文) | Night & Fog/夜與霧 (32) | |
10/6/2018 | Observational Mode | MacDougal - Ch. 4 (中文) | Umbrella/傘 (20min clip) | FP: Revised Statement |
10/13/2018 | Participatory Mode | Ruby-Speaking For, Speaking With | Chronique d’un été/夏日編年紀事 (85) | |
10/20/2018 | Reflexive Mode | Siden - A Circle of Looks 鄭明河 - 再一次集結(文字檔) |
Reassemblage/再一次集結 (40) | Homework (HW): Observational |
10/27/2018 | Interviewing I | Rabinger - Ch. 24 (中文第8章) | Thin Blue Line/正義難伸 (103) | |
11/3/2018 | Interviewing II | Bernard - Ch. 9 | HW: Interview | |
11/10/2018 | Project Reports | FP: Finish principle shooting | ||
11/17/2018 | Editing I | Rabinger - Ch. 29-30 (中文第12-13章) | The Cutting Edge (98) | HW: Reflexive |
11/24/2018 | Editing II | Rabinger - Ch. 31-32 (中文第14-15章) | FP: Log Footage | |
12/1/2018 | Editing III | Rabinger - Ch. 33-34 (中文第16-17章) | ||
12/8/2018 | Ethnographic Film I | Loizos—Chapters 1 & 2 | Dead Birds/死鳥 (84) | FP: Transcribe Interviews |
12/15/2018 | Ethnographic Film II | Friedman - Collaborating Against Ethnography | Please Don’t Beat Me, Sir!/請別打我,長官! (75) | |
12/22/2018 | Ethnographic Film III | TBA | FP: Paper Edit | |
12/29/2018 | Workshop Final Projects | FP: Scene Selections | ||
1/5/2019 | Final Projects I | FP: First Cut | ||
1/12/2019 | Final Projects II | FP: Final Cut |
- Friedman, P. Kerim. “Collaboration against Ethnography: How Colonial History Shaped the Making of an Ethnographic Film.” Critique of Anthropology 33, no. 4 (December 1, 2013): 390–411.
- Loizos, P. Innovation in Ethnographic Film : From Innocence to Self-Consciousness, 1955-85. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993.
- Nichols, Bill. 紀錄片導論. Translated by 陳犀禾, 劉宇清, and 鄭潔. 北京: 中國電影出版社, 2007.
- Rabiger, Michael. Directing the Documentary. 5 edition. Focal Press, 2009.
- 製作紀錄片. Translated by 王亞維. 台北: 遠流, 2011.
- Ruby, J. “Speaking For, Speaking About, Speaking With, or Speaking Alongside— An Anthropological and Documentary Dilemma.” Visual Anthropology Review 7, no. 2 (1991): 50–67.
- Russell Bernard, H. Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 5th edition. AltaMira Press, 2011.
- Siden, Hannah. “A Circle of Looks: Reflexivity and Representation in Trinh T. Minhha’s Film, Reassemblage.” McGill University, 2012.
- 大衛.馬杜格. “觀察超越式電影.” In 邁向跨文化電影:大衛.馬杜格的影像實踐. 台北: 麥田, 2006.
鄭明河. “再一次集結,” 2013.
- 學生作品 Selected film projects
- 多媒體器材 Equipment List
Instructor 授師
- 傅可恩 P. Kerim Friedman
- Facebook: kerim.friedman / Telegram: @kerimfriedman / Twitter: @kerim
- 電子郵件: fulaoshi@oxus.net
- 辦公室: 原A404
- 會談時間: 每週三下午12點至2點或與教師另行約定
- 個人網頁:http://kerim.oxus.net/
- 平時作業:40%
- 期末專題:40%
- 課程參與:20%
Reading for this class has been kept to a minimum so as to give students more time to focus on the hands-on experience of making ethnographic films. However, there is still some required reading, most of which is available in Chinese. All students are expected to do all of the reading and to come to class ready to discuss the reading.
同學們將會完成三份小的指定作業,是有關於影片製作的不同風格。觀察式影片作業要自然記錄人類行為,而沒有留下評論;訪談式影片作業則包含不同狀況下的全部訪談(譬如室內坐下來談,或是到戶外邊走邊談)。也會有反身式影片的作業需要製作一份短的影像論文,這份作業會使用由我提供的拾得錄像(found footage)。到時候會提供同學們這些作業的講義和說明。每一份作業的影片維持在大約五分鐘的長度,成品將會在課堂上與大家分享並討論。
Students will complete three shorter homework assignments to learn different styles of filmmaking. There will be an “observational” film which records naturally occurring human behavior without commentary. There will be an “interview” assignment which consists entirely of interviews in different settings (such as sitting down indoors, or walking around outdoors). And there will be a “reflexive” assignment which uses “found footage” (supplied by the instructor) to make a short video essay. Students will be provided with handouts and explanations for these assignments over the course of the semester. Each of these pieces will be approximately five minutes long and will be shared and discussed in class.
請對待這份專題如一份研究報告。然而,不像研究報告,你不太可能在學期末時補足進度。為了幫助同學們規劃專題進度,我已經將專題拆成一整學期裡一連串的小作業。這些作業包含撰寫主題敘述、完成原則拍攝(principle shooting)、撰寫拍攝日誌以及謄寫拍攝內容等等。詳細的時程請見課程流程。到時候我會提供同學每一個環節作業的說明與講義,期末專題以不超過十五分鐘為準。
Treat this project as you would a research paper. Unlike a research paper, however, it is not possible to make up for lost time at the end of the semester. To help students with planning, this project has been broken down into a series of smaller assignments with deadlines throughout the semester. These will include things like writing up a topic statement, completing principle shooting, writing up shooting logs and transcripts, etc. See the course outline for the exact due dates for each of these assignments. Students will be provided with hand outs and explanations for each of these assignments over the course of the semester. The final project should be under fifteen minutes in length.
This document is by Kerim Friedman and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Taiwan License 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享 3.0 台灣.